“What we put in our minds matters as much as what we put in our mouths.”

Nowadays what we put in our minds is greatly determined by the content our thumbs scroll through each day on our phones. Think about all that content. Of course our thumbs our kranky! And it’s making us humans kranky too!

The Kranky Thumb Collective seeks to shift the priority and practice of cellphone and electronic device usage so that humans can experience living without the continual influence of social media and other forms of messaging that are proven to have harmful effects on our way of thinking and being in the world.

We are not saying don’t use your cellphone. KTC is about realigninng the relationships we have with our cellphones so they are no longer an appendage and instead they become the communications tools they were intended to be. This requires re-membering what it means to be human without an electronic device in our hand.

The Kranky Thumb Collective mission is to empower humans to 1) re-member what it means to be human without a cellphone in our hand, 2) to re-integrate with our spiritual selves and 3) to re-value each other, all creatures, and the planet.